Gromatici Land Surveying provided Elevation Certificates and LOMA's for residential and commercial properties. In some instances, even Condominium Units can be insured under one Certificate.
Elevation Certificates are used by the insurance industry to provide rates for Flood Insurance. The higher your Finished Floor is above the Base Flood Elevation, the less you pay for insurance, generally. If the insurance is still costly, and you qualify, you can apply for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) and remove the structure from the Flood Plain, and the insurance requirement - be sure to check with your HOA and Lender to make sure they will allow you to go without flood insurance, even if FEMA doesn't require it.
We provide the following services:
Elevation Certificates
LOMA's (Letter of Map Amendment)
Building Height Certificate (Elevation Certificate)
Here are some useful links:
FEMA Map Service Center (FEMA Maps)
FEMA Hazard Mapping (Updated Mapping)
Elevation Certificate
Elevation Form - MT1-f2
LOMA Forms and Information